Sacred music radio station launched

Sacred music radio station

An interfaith radio station, playing some of the world’s most beautiful sacred music has just been launched.  Sacred Music Radio which plays 24 hours a day,  features religious and sacred pieces of music from the Christian, Jewish, Hindu, Buddhist, Zoroastrian and Islamic faiths, as well as music not directly connected with any specific religion. Michael…

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Why Does Music Make Us Happy?

Why does music make us happy?

Music’s Impact on Happiness. Almost everyone has experienced the beneficial effects of music in one way or another; it can help us to relax and unwind even during stressful times, can improve our levels of motivation and focus, and can uplift our emotions and improve our relationships, helping us to connect more deeply and with…

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Interview with Andras Corban Arthen

Andras Corban Arthen

Rev. Andras Corban Arthen is the spiritual director of the EarthSpirit Community, a religious and educational organization dedicated to the preservation of Earth-centered spirituality, particularly the indigenous European traditions; he is also president of the European Congress of Ethnic Religions, and serves on the board of advisors of the Ecospirituality Foundation. He has been a…

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Does music belong in meditation?

Does music belong in meditation?

Listening to music in meditation or while practicing yoga is more of a controversial idea than you might expect. For some people, it just seems to work; for others, it’s a distraction.What’s most important is to select music that you enjoy listening to and music which serves the purpose you’re trying to achieve. One of…

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